AU&NZツアー ソロモンからの爆音


Thu 30-Mar NZ Auckland Whammy
Fri 31-Mar NZ Thames The Green Room
Sat 1-Apr NZ Raglan The Yot Club
Sun 2-Apr NZ Tauranga under the Bridge
Auckland BIG FANwith D4
Mon 3-Apr NZ Auckland Daddy Long Legs
Tue 4-Apr NZ Wellington Valhallla
Wed 5-Apr NZ Christchurch Space Academy
Fri 7-Apr AU Tullarock Boogie Festival
Sat 8-Apr AU Adelaid The Boston
Wed 12-Apr AU Ballarat The Eastern Hotel
Thu 13-Apr AU Brisbane The Bearded Lady
Fri 14-Apr AU Sydney Factory Floor
Sat 15-Apr AU Melbourne Gasometer
Sun 16-Apr AU Geelong Barwon Club

